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회사 개요

회사 앨범31

기본 정보
INFRASTRUCTUREThe company's Manufacturing & Exports unit is located in Moradabad city approx 160 km. from the Capital of INDIA, New Delhi.Our production unit is well equipped with state-of-the-art technology, enabling us to produce exquisite pieces of handicraftsand home decorative.We employ the best craftsmen in the business who works in close proximity with our designers to ensure that the ideas conceivedare fully translated into the finished product.We are very excited always in adding new facilities to our factory. QUALITY ASSURANCEQuality has been priority for us, There for; we have streamlined all our production processes toward delivering the best qualityproducts to our clients.We assure you of quality, timely delivery and better price as our self being a manufacturer of 85 % in house. Our Quality isamong the best in the industry.We give our Customers a promise of Quality, Integrity & Confidentiality in terms of client's specific requirements/information.Quality will be our signature and shall reflect in every facet of our organization.
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비즈니스 유형
제조업체, 유통업체/도매업체, 기타
Uttar Pradesh, India
주력 제품총 직원
11 - 50 People
총 연간 수익
Below US$1 Million
설립 연도
제품 인증
주요 시장

제품 용량

공장 정보

공장 규모
1,000-3,000 square meters
공장 국가/지역
생산 라인 수
계약 제조
OEM Service Offered, Design Service Offered, Buyer Label Offered
연간 출력 값
Below US$1 Million

R&D 역량

연구 및 개발

Less than 5 People